Sep 23, 2009

noch'n Gedicht/Tag

aus: Planet Sarajevo - Abdulah Sidran

I saw a little girl,
On planet Sarajevo,
In the park which was not there
Picking up flowers that were not there!

Death is a thorough reaper,
In vain the girl's tear,
In vain every
Prayer for peace!
In the universe
-its name is Bosnia -
A little girl,
With the hand which she has not,
Picks up the flowers which are not!

1 comment:

  1. oh wie traurig...ich hoffe jetzt gibt es wieder Blumen und Mädchen, die sie pflücken und ihren Mamas zum Muttertag schenken...


Ihr Senf, bitte. Am besten verdaulich und nicht zu dick aufgetragen.