Jul 24, 2009

Wir nannten es Arbeit XXI

Und: In Englisch!

Then: I'm crawling through Excel-files, eating my way past tables, numbers, borders of reaction-descriptions in Word, from temperatures and pressures, from volume and solvents and cooling-baths to colours, oils, smells, scales. I'm preparing my report of this internship, summarizing up the work, expressing in detail the data, drawing reactions, redoing tables, covering up errors. (BASF/Mannheim/April09)

Now: I’m feeling a little lost between the data this time, at the very same place in the work-landscape, but in another environment, office, lab. Somehow, with all efforts taken, three months is just a little short for an extensive paper with cool theory, experiments, conclusions. Nevertheless, even then the results seem a little thin and I feel a little lost between them, eyeing the spectra and graphs and publications whether there is something I missed, or some error to account for. There is none. Gladly I don’t have to write an article about my life or company-life during the internship, the connections with people I met, all the fun, and all the thinking. (Bayer-Schering/Berlin/July09)

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